Fall 2019:
The goal of this assignment was to select three silhouettes from eighteen options, extrude them from three directions, and create a solid form. The main challenge was to choose silhouettes that would form an exterior design, similar to professional scenarios with specific setbacks and height limitations. This exercise teaches how to develop a three-dimensional object using two-dimensional silhouettes. Constraints included: the inside must be hollow to create a shell from the silhouettes, it must be watertight with no openings, no larger than 6"x8"x10", and the total number of polygonal faces cannot exceed 100.

The three images above are the silhouettes I had decided to use for my project, one of which get rotated as a result of balancing and ability to stand upright.

Axonometric Diagram showing location of silhouettes

Elevation Diagram showing location of silhouettes

2D Template to create volume

Creating volume from silhouettes
The images above display the silhouettes' locations on an axonometric diagram, their positions on an elevation diagram, a 2D template for creating the volume, and the process of forming the volume from the silhouettes. One silhouette (outlined in red in the first image) had to be rotated in my design for stability. If it had remained in its original orientation, the structure would have fallen over.

Front View

Right View

Rear View

Left View

Top view
Study Model one:
Images above represent study model that was made to ensure the volume was watertight and had no issues before moving on to create final model for presentation

Front View

Right View

Rear View

Left View

Top View
Final Model:
Images above represent Final Model that was produced for presentation of this assignment, produced after study model was found clear of any openings meaning it was fully watertight.